Archive for January, 2010


Chapter 6
Diamonds and Pearls

Hope raced to her brother’s office early the next morning. She rapped hard on the door, praying he would be there. It was a grayish sky outside and the snow clouds were already thick overhead. She rapped again, her blue robes billowing in the slight breeze from the draughty corridor.
“Come in!” A gruff voice came from within the office. Pushing the door open, Hope sped inside and took a seat, her hands folded in her lap. He looked up, an element of surprise on his weathered worn face. “Hope? It’s rather early for you don’t you think?”
“Thawson,” Hope had been unable to sleep after what the Ava had told her. “The animals are at war, in the woods and I want to know why?” His eyes widened and his lip tightened.
“Who told you that?” He sounded frightened as though that information had been top secret. He scratched his dark beard while glancing nervously into her young face.
“Aerora,” Hope told him. “The Ava!” He frowned and stared harder at her, willing an explanation.
“I went into the woods last night, by accident!” She quickly explained. “I was flying and some wood creatures pulled me into the forest. Lobo and Aerora saved me but she told me never to venture into the woods alone because the animals are angry and at war with one another, but why, Thawson?” Her voice was hurried and slightly high pitched. She had been concerned and aerora’s words were imprinted on her mind.
“Lobo? The wolf? And Aerora told you all of this?” Sighing he leaned back in his chair, scratching his chin thoughtfully. “Yes, the animals are at war, and not necessarily just with themselves. some creatures are blaming us for their problems. food’s short and the winters haven’t been as cold of late and the snow leopards, the siberian tigers and the Arctic fox along with other winter like creatures have been angry and blaming humanity for their problems.”
“Is it our fault?” Hope asked sternly.
“Well, yes and no!” Thawson told her gently, standing to pour some tea.
“Would you like a cup?” She nodded and waited for his further explanations. Thawson had been awoken, that was clear from the blue towelling robe that he was wearing and the sleepy look upon his face. Placing a cracked yellow cup in front of her, he took his seat once again and sighed gravely.

“Your predecessor was not a gifted witch. Many of Loso Tierras were angry with the ancients for even appointing Violet. But the biggest problem was that she hated winter! Hope, you must know that elementation will be an enchantress’s greatest subject in one so young. You, have the abilities to control the natural flow of things which no other has the right to mess with. True, we teach elementation but you are the only human that can control the entire weather of Los Oceana. Without your magic, plants would die, flowers would never flourish, and the trees would forever be in winter. And if you chose to keep Loso Tierras in Summertime constantly, then the animals we need for hunting and keeping our world stable would die from heat exhaustion. Here, in Loso Tierras is the only place exotic creatures and Arctic creatures may exist along side each other. The snow falls all but two days of the year, the Ostara dates and that is for many reasons. The animals believe it to be the two days, none of them are impaired to find food or shelter and they can begin to build their winter and summer homes. The Arctic animals move further up into the mountains during the sumer time while the exotic animals come closer to the river. On the winter Ostara, the Arctic animals move further down hill while the exotic creatures hibernate or make underground homes where they can keep warm. Violet did not believe in winter so the cycle of weather confused the animals and caused many of them to die. That is why they’re angry with us. Themselves? Who knows. Sometimes, I suspect it has a lot to do with Stigma, he believes he is the emperor of the animals. Many differ on that opinion but he is greedy, unkind and slowly is killing off the non magical animals. So, yes, the animals are warring but your warriors are attempting to keep things in order. so you have nothing to worry about.”
“I am the enchantress!” Hope said severely, glaring at him. “I know i’m new at this, thawson, but I need to know these things. How do you think it looks when I have to be told from a creature I didn’t even knew existed that the animals of Loso Tierras are warring under my nose?” He nodded apologetically and rested a hand on the old oak desk. Hope was both fascinated and disconcerted by what he had told her but he had made reassurances so what choice did she have but to let him get on with it. “If there’s any developments, I want to know about them!” Hope stood abruptly from the table and Thawson nodded. As she reached the door and placed a hand on the door knob, he called her back.
“Hope?” Turning, she saw he was smiling broadly. “You will make a wonderful enchantress!” Nodding gratefully, she headed down to breakfast and the commencement of her day’s classes.

breakfast was a quick event and Hope was preoccupied with her previous conversations with the Ava and Now Thawson. It seemed that Loso Tierras was in more trouble than most of its inhabitants were aware of an it was now Hope’s duty to make sure that this didn’t turn nasty. Sighing, she picked up her schedule and stared, Elementation. That was her first class. Wonderful! She stood, not even realising Chelsea, summer and Marietta were still eating and headed out of the dining hall.

Inching along the forever ending corridors, she finally found a wooden door with the peeling letters of Library written in white paint upon its ageing panels. Pushing the door open with a creak, she wandered inside to find a squat old man sitting behind the desk. He had a rounded red nose that appeared to be running with moisture and grey rimmed glasses perched upon it. His eyes were grey and almost transparent as she looked at him. Walking quietly, she smiled broadly at him, praying he was friendly. A name tag read: Mr Livre.

“Good Morning, mr Livre,” She smiled generously as she rested her hands on the old oak desk. “I am looking for some books.”
“You came to the right place,” He chuckled friendly. Relieved he was kind, she nodded.
“I’m looking for a book on animals native to Loso Tierras, and maybe a history book encountering previous enchantresses?”
“Trying to learn from your predecessors, Miss Hope?” The man’s grey eyes lit up in enthusiasm. How did he know? She wondered as she looked him up and down.
‘How? How did you know? no one is meant to know until Friday,” She said quietly, amazed by his knowledge.
“My department is knowledge Miss Hope, and I make it my business to know what is going on,” his expression was friendly and warm as he emerged from behind the desk. “In truth, I have been waiting for you to come to me. Didn’t think your forte would be books? I heard you had opened Rose tower, not Jasmine tower.”
“Ah, the characteristics,” she sighed desolately. “Well Mr Livre, I believe each sister contributed to the success of Rose. Without knowing where her sisters went wrong, she would never have known where to go right. I still know very little about this place and as enchantress, I believe I should know what I can to arm me to carry out my duties successfully.”
“You are very wise,” He was holding a pile of books in his arms, far more than she had requested but it was almost as if he had been waiting for her for days. “I have never heard a young woman speak as you just did, maybe the ancients are right, maybe we should expect great things from you after all!” He placed the books into her arms, picked up a feather duster and headed to some shelves. It seemed apparent to her that this conversation was over and she took the books carefully, deciding to drop them in her dorm room before heading to Sun Tower for her first class.

Professor Solomon was very sweet and very good at her job. Hope was learning fast and she knew she had to do this class very well now as the animals were depending on her to balance out the ecosystem. Staying behind for a few minutes, she asked Professor Solomon if they could possibly do a few more lessons.

“Well of course Hope,” she spoke in a very airy tone that almost resembled the light summer breeze. Her green eyes contrasted remarkably with her soft, musical tones in their dark and sharp appearance. Hope would have said Professor Solomon was a pure mix of the elements herself. Her long golden hair resembling the beautiful sun which equalled the fire. Her soft breathy tones as the air around her. Her green eyes the cold earth in which they all lived but where the water was, Hope was unsure. Maybe in the fluidity in which the woman walked.
“Thanks, Professor,” Hope smiled gratefully. “I want the balance back for the kingdom of the animals.”
“I think you to be very wise,” She smiled warmly. “How about tonight after classes have ended?” Hope nodded and with her plan falling into place, she skipped off for the rest of her day’s classes.

Over the next couple of days, Hope barely hung with her friends, achieving homework time, personal study time and extra classes with Professor Solomon, she barely had time to eat and sleep let alone socialise. Before she knew it, Friday had come around and she had to leave at five to White Rose castle. Only Chelsea and members of staff knew why. She had barely seen her brother to ask him a few questions about Mr Livre that she suspected he was more than just a wizard but with her new schedule, she had little time to do anything.

Taking a book on the relationships of the many animals in Loso Tierras with her, Hope stepped onto the unicorn slay with Thawson and headed off to White Rose castle. Thawson knew most parents were coming to collect their children for the grand ball of the new Enchantress and he also realised there would be a lot of skepticism surrounding Hope’s appointment, especially after Violet’s terrible attempts but he had to make this clear to Hope. She seemed preoccupied with her book so he thought to wait until she had met with the ancients, changed and was ready for her grand entrance as Enchantress of Los Oceana.

Hope hurried up to Rose tower once disembarking from the slay and found Flora waiting patiently for her in the round room which Hope vaguely remembered to be her own. Could it have really been only a week since she was last here? It felt much longer and as she stepped inside the sweet smelling room and smiled down at her personal assistant, Hope realised this was it! Everything she had been brought to Loso Tierras for, taken away from her home and mother and friends was finally here.

“Hello, Miss Hope,” Flora squeaked excitedly from the desk by the door. “How is school?”
“school is great! Hard work but it is truly wonderful! So, Flora, what am I to do? I’m a little unsure how this works?”

Flora giggled a tinkling laugh and flew toward the stair case.
“You’ll know!” She commanded Hope to follow to which the young girl responded.

Flora helped Hope to dress, or more like Flora did dress Hope in the white enchantress gown after Hope had bathed and Flora had done her hair beautifully.
“the enchantress must look beautiful for her grand entrance,” Flora said gently as she looked at hope, the final stages of their make over complete. “And you Miss Hope, look like a dream!”
“Thank you, Flora,” Hope said graciously as she looked around her and suddenly the pink light glowed and she could hear their voices.
“Hope, come to the opal room, we need to meet!” The ancients commanded and Hope obediently walked down her staircase to the living room, out of her tower door, down the stone tower steps and along several corridors, down more staircases and finally she found herself outside of the opal room. As she pushed the door open, a thunderous applause met her ears. Smiling bashfully she walked calmly and modestly toward her throne.

“Welcome, Hope, Enchantress of Los Oceana,” Theodore smiled behind his grey beard. “We’ve been hearing wonderful things about you from your teachers,” He looked to Jessica her eyes dancing with excitement.
“Yes, absolutely wonderful things!” She agreed.
“Truly magnificent,” falsetto wiped his bright blue eyes that were streaming with tears. His long silvery hair pinned back from his face as he wiped his red cheeks and red nose with a handkerchief.
“O Falsetto, pull yourself together man,” Calcinum chided as he looked on with severe brown eyes.
“I can’t help it! it’s such a joyous occasion,” Falcetto commented blowing his nose hard. Hirmira and Jessica laughed.
“Welcome Hope!” Hirmira smiled. The woman who reminded Hope of the statue outside of their dorm room, that had only appeared after the first night, stood with her full beauty now and held Hope’s hands. When the ancients touched Hope, it was not as she had ever suspected it would be. she thought it would be icy cold and as though the ancients were ghosts but they had a warmth that could never compare to human touch. Hope smiled broadly as Rose held out her own hands.
“Welcome Hope! Are you ready?”
“Yes!” She said with pure confidence. “I want to do what is right for Los Oceana. I want to protect our land, our magic, our animals, whether that be from themselves or outside forces. I am ready!”
“Good!” Theodore’s wise eyes smiled knowingly at her. “Then it’s time!”

As Hope ascended the grand stair case in the Crystal Foyer, she felt an arm around her and turned to see her brother. His warm eyes conveyed pride and concern.
“What is it Thawson?” Hope asked gently, her blue ocean colored eyes trained perfectly on his.
“I just wanted to wish you luck and remind you that the people of Loso Tierras may take some time to get used to your appointment.”
“I can understand why,” She smiled warmly.
“You will make a wonderful Enchantress Hope,” He smiled broadly, the corners of his mouth twitching into a smile. “You already are!” Walking closer to the door of the diamond ballroom, hOpe realised that some guests were already present. Ray stepped out from the gold dining room and pulled her inside.
“Not quite yet,” He told her. “A few more minutes”. He was standing by the table that was already decorated for the dinner. Luna and Erida were standing behind Ray and many fairies were dancing around happy at their work. Luna wore a pale blue dress while Erida was clad in a dark purple dress.
“You all look beautiful!” Ray wiped a tear from his bright blue eyes and looked across to his son.
“It’s time Thawson!” Hope turned and Ray and Thawson along with her two sisters walked toward the diamond encrusted double doors. Luna, Erida and Thawson entered first. The music stopped and heads turned toward the doors.

“I will introduce you, you will walk in and smile warmly at each person as you walk down the path, step onto the diamond platform and sit in the golden throne. Once you are ready to speak, stand and the ancients will guide you from there!” His instructions were clear and concise and Hope trembled nervously as he entered the room.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Creatures of Loso Tierras, please rise and greet your new enchantress! Hope Ostara Midway!”

The crowd’s exhilarated applause followed as Hope slowly but confidently entered the room. Sure enough, many people were seated at tables, leaning against pillars or lining the walk way she was about to travel down. Their faces expectant and wondering. She saw some of her class mates, Summer Jenkins and Marietta with their families. Drew Alexander from eighth year stood alongside a blonde headed girl who she assumed was his little sister. Magical creatures were there too, elves like Dempi from school, lots of fairies that seemed to hover everywhere. Headmistress Heartley stood with some of the other professors and Hope felt her cheeks flush with the thousands of eyes upon her. She did as her father had advised her, smile as she walked and as she reached the platform, she felt nerves rip through her stomach.

Stepping onto the glistening platform, she turned slowly and saw the crowd all stand in silence, all of their eyes on her. All except one pair. Erida’s. Smiling nervously she took a deep breath. but a pink glow began to emit from her and she instinctively knew the ancients were about to speak.
“We the ancients of Los Oceana welcome you all. We called this ceremony to formally introduce your new enchantress. She stands before you today and has pledged to protect your world and guide others to maintain it as it should be. Hope Ostara Midway is your new enchantress of Los Oceana. Place trust in her, honour and protect her, and she shall repay those courtesies. Please welcome her to the throne.”

“sit down Hope, dear,” Rose whispered in her ear and she obeyed, grateful to relieve her jelly like legs from their shaking.
The crowd cheered and clapped and Hope felt amazed! This was incredible. Her tummy felt as though thousands of insects were flying around and her face blushed crimson at their adoration. “You may speak,” Hope heard Rose whisper, amazingly over the crowd’s din.

standing, nervous as she was, Hope cleared her throat and taking a breath that felt as though she had led in her lungs, she began to speak.

“Welcome, Ladies, Gentlemen, boys and girls, creatures of all kinds!” Her voice was hoarse with nerves. “I, Hope Ostara Midway stand before you as enchantress and will do so until I am needed no longer. i pledge my love and loyalty to this world and will do whatever is within my power to stabilise its existence. Have faith, believe in me, and we shall work together!” Another uproar of applause as she took her throne once again and watched as guests began to mingle. Smiling as her father walked toward her, a proud smile upon his gentle features, sparkling in his clear blue eyes, Hope rose and stepped from the platform.
“Congratulations!” Ray whispered in an emotional tone. Leading her into the crowd. Smiling and greeting everyone, hope felt so amazed by her own confidence. spotting Chelsea, she hurried over.
“You did brilliantly, Hope!” She cried happily, hugging her friend. The pink glow had disappeared now and Hope stood in her white dress mirroring the image of an angel.
“How do they like me?” She whispered to Chelsea. Her brunette friend nodded eagerly.
“Most of them are a little dubious, obviously, but they’re willing to give you a chance. So that is a good thing.”

A tap on Hope’s shoulder startled her as she and Chelsea talked animatedly about the castle. Turning, Hope looked up into the dark face of a young man she recognised. Zyre Porterio!.

“Hope, may I have this dance?” Zyre seemed confident, certain of himself at school but something now showed her he was all of those things and more. Standing at around six foot five, his dark skin smooth like coffee, his eyes light like butterscotch, she almost melted under his gaze. Chelsea giggled behind her and Hope wanted to kick her best friend but merely smiled at Zyre in response. She wasn’t certain she’d be able to talk even if she could think of something to say, what with her throat suddenly becoming dryer than Tamorik amidst a blazing sun.

“this way,” He took her arm, hands warm and masterful, stride so perfect and demeanour warmer than she’d witnessed before. He was a gentleman to say the least. She felt eyes upon her now, aware that the new enchantress was being given her first dance by the Porterio kid. Zyre’s family was well known in Loso Tierras, dating back thousands of years, always having a member of a generation in the warrior army. Zyre’s great grand father had been general warrior, like Thawson was now in the beginning of the last century. The Porterios dated back probably as far back as the Lexons did. Pure blooded but with no desire to isolate those of non pure blood. Many of the pure blood families regarded their status higher than any other in Loso Tierras but Zyre’s family had always accepted any level of magic, not even harbouring dislike for non magical humans like most of the pure bloods did.

‘respect all, and all will respect you!’ Was written in an ancient language on their family crest. Zyre’s father, Gabriel watched on with pride as his only son guided the new enchantress upon the dance floor. Gabriel knew his son could be the biggest pain in the ass but watching him now reminded Gabe of the man Zyre was growing into. He hoped that he’d become a warrior too, although Zyre seemed to have little or no desire to follow in the family footsteps but Gabriel Porterio could hope right?

Zyre pulled Hope into his arms and placed a huge hand on her small waist with ease. Hope looked up into his handsome face and her breath caught in her lungs. He was even more handsome than any of the others could have described. Perfect features defined with the symmetrical bone structure enhanced greatly by the darkness of his skin. His butterscotch eyes danced in his face, lighting it up as though a fire burned behind them.

“You look beautiful!” he sounded sincere as he stroked her long blonde hair. “a image of an angel!” His lips barely moved s he admired her exquisite appearance. She was beauty that was matched to his own and yet the complete opposite. fair skin, tanned recently by the sun, long blonde hair that was straight as a needle and ocean blue eyes that sparkled as though the sun shone upon them.
“Thank you,” She struggled to exhale as she spoke. He looked down at her, not sure why she was thanking him.
“I’m Zyre Porterio,” his voice was as smooth as velvet. “I’m in eighth year. I’ve seen you around. You hang out with Chelsea Hubbard, right?”
“Yeah,” She felt her chest tighten again as she spoke. “I know, I know who you are. I’ve seen you too!” She confessed but regretting never have seeing him this up close before. His presence was almost monarch like. She felt as though she should worship him in a way that she’d never worshipped a boy before. Turning as they danced to the light tango music, Hope wondered how long she could respectably stay with him without being rude to her other guests. If she didn’t care, all night would still not be long enough. Love at first sight was something she had never believed in before. but she had never believed in much that she now believed in before coming to Loso Tierras.

He spun her, twirled her like a professional dancer and Hope was fast realising that he was more than what the other girls in her year had said. He lived up to the handsomeness they spoke of, even the apparent arrogance, but he was in possession of a magic she was uncertain of. Whatever he possessed had her mesmerised. Looking up to his dark face, taking in his defined features, Hope found herself gasping for breath.

“Are you OK?” He was nothing but a gentleman as he stopped the dancing for a moment to check on her. Shaking her head, he lead her from the dance floor and took her to stand beside an open window.
“You look a little flushed,” He smiled respectfully at her. “I’ll go and get you some water?” he asked, raising his eyebrows in hope that was indeed what she wanted. Nodding slightly at his question, Zyre left her leaning faintly against the diamond encrusted wall. The cool air from the evening flowed across her hot cheeks calming her fluster.

“Someone is in love?” Chelsea’s teasing voice was in her ear now, low tones but high enough for Hope to recognise the taunting.
“shut up!” Hope hissed through clenched teeth as the air swirled around her, causing her shoulders to shiver from the cool breeze.
“Hope, you can’t lie to me remember?” Chelsea’s plump face beamed with child like teasing. “He’s so much, much more than you guys said,” She whispered hastily, crossing her fingers that he wouldn’t come back too soon. chelsea was her breast friend, someone she could confide in about everything, not that she ever needed to open her mouth to do that. Nevertheless, Chelsea was the one person who would understand. Sighing and shrugging her shoulders dramatically, chelsea looked across to where Zyre was coming back toward them.
“He likes you too,” chelsea whispered and dashed off to find summer and Marietta.

“here,” He held out a crystalline goblet filled with water and rested an arm upon her shoulders. “You’re looking better.”
“Thanks,” Hope smiled gratefully, taking the glass as her heart pounded in her chest. It was hammering away so loud she could almost hear it amidst the din of the ball room.
“You sure you’re OK?”His eyes, light and caring watched her tentatively.
“I’m fine,” She smiled gently sipping the water gratefully. “I guess all the strain of this week just caught up to me.” He nodded and leaned idly against the wall beside her.
“Guess it was pretty hard keeping this a secret,” a playful smile crossed his dark, plump lips. “Although, Chelsea would have know, eh?” He nudged her playfully with his elbow and she giggled, lowing the goblet from her lips and smiling gently at him.

“Yes, of course,” She leaned against the wall too, something about him drew her to him. “She’s been very supportive.”
“Good,” His eyes fixed on hers again as he took the water from her hand and led her back toward the dance floor. People parted and Hope had to pinch herself. A gorgeous guy wanted to continue to dance with her and she was Enchantress of an entire world. How was this real and happening to her? Taking her into his arms, Zyre twirled her proudly around the dance floor, under the watchful gaze of his father and Hope’s. Thawson was smiling while Erida scowled. How dare Hope attract a boy from one of the purest blood families in the whole kingdom? the horrible little girl! At that moment, Erida stormed from the room to consult some of her fellow wizards and witches who had already begun to plot against the beautiful new enchantress.

The party continued throughout the night and slowly the guests diminished. Chelsea left with her father Amos around twelve-thirty and Zyre was beckoned by his father to retreat not long after that.

“Well, Hope, I will see you at school on Monday?” He looked confident that whatever he deemed would occur between them, would indeed happen. Waving warmly to Ray and Thawson, he left with his father Gabriel.

“So?” Thawson beamed at Hope. “How do you think it went?”
“I think it went amazingly!” Hope beamed and bid her farewells, knowing she had several duties to perform in the morning.

Guide Dogs No Longer Welcome At starbucks?

My friend and I went to Starbucks today to catch up and use their wifi. We were about to head upstairs when an employee called to us we couldn’t go up there. When we asked why, she said the dog wasn’t allowed upstairs. I said yes, he is, he’s a guide dog. She then proceeded to inform me that it wasn’t her but a company policy as someone may have an allergy. So I learnt a new thing today, people with allergies clearly sit upstairs in Starbucks.

As you can imagine, I was very unhappy. When we started to argue with her she told us it was OK but by that point, principle had kicked in and so my friend and I started to proceed downstairs. She said that she’d okayed our upstairs visit and I bluntly informed her that we would be taking our custom elsewhere and that she needn’t fear, I would be reporting this incident. When she said, again, it wasn’t her but the company policy I informed her that it was discrimination and my friend works for the Citizens Advice Bureau and my friend added that a strongly worded letter would be winging its way to headquarters.

I’ve always found Starbucks accommodating and cannot understand this sudden change. And the reason, wow, unbelievable. Allergies? OK, so the dog being down stairs where everyone orders drinks is so much better. And what on earth will they target next, people with perfume? Because there are thousands of allergens in the air at any given moment, my guide dog, a service dog, will not be the only thing that could cause an allergic reaction.

What’s Best?

People with disabilities are presumed by the majority of society to be “incapable” and “needy” of a “able bodied” person to help them in every day tasks. This is just one of the stereotyped beliefs that the majority of society beholds about disabled people. And while some of us, along with friends and family attempt to fight this stereotype, there are some within that community who do nothing but prolong that stereotype.

I’ve been visually impaired since birth and totally blind due to complications since I was six and a half years old. My mother found it difficult to come to terms with my blindness but after she realized that my sight was not miraculously going to come back, she decided that she would not always be around and so tried to give me as normal of a childhood as possible. This included not spoiling me, punishing me if I was bad, and ensuring I was educated as most of my other piers were in mainstream education. And above all else providing me with the tools to become as independent as possible. Her theory of not being around forever and ensuring my independence and integration into society meant I grew into the independent, open minded, all rounded individual I am proud to be now.

I dread to think how things could have been so different.

During the past few years, social networking has meant I’ve come across many people who are also blind. While some of them have seemingly grown up with parents who had a similar notion to my own mother, a lot of them completely play into the stereotype of helpless, strange individuals.

I say strange because most of these people have only been around other visually impaired people and their families their whole life and social rules I learnt throughout school and extracurricular activities have never entered these people’s lives. Depending on others for the menial tasks of every day life is “normal” to them and having the world handed to them on the plate is taken for natural. Asking for an expensive piece of equipment and receiving it is an almost every day occurrence to these people and actually having to wait for something is beyond their existence. Finding ways of doing something that the sighted world does with no issue for themselves is unthinkable. why do something with a little effort if you can have someone else to do it for you? And their sense of reality is completely distorted.

Some of the extreme behaviours that are perceived by society to be related to blindness are not always visible. These people believe they are not among the stereotype but often you have to speak to an individual and learn their attitudes toward the rest of the world to appreciate if they are indeed categorized within that stereotype.

Generalising anyone is not always a positive act but these individuals can be spotted a mile off. They hardly use a mobility aid and expect a friend/relative to walk everywhere with them. They daren’t venture anywhere alone.
They have every “blind specific” product on the market and will not try anything unless its been recommended by another like-minded person or an organisation.
They have their family weight on them hand and foot. Making a drink for themselves is just never going to happen let alone cooking a meal for themselves.
Cleaning up after themselves is “impossible” as they “can’t see”
And subsequently they use that “I’m blind card” constantly.
They think cyberspace is reality and never attempt to form “real life” relationships.
They really believe they are like “everyone else”.

Overall, they are almost incapable of coping in society independently.

So, who is to blame?

In my humble opinion it’s the organisations that pamper these individuals. Some charities and institutions reinforce this notion that they are visually impaired and “need help”. I’ll be the first to admit, certain things, I’d like help with. Everyone’s needs are different but my want for help is so I am able to live my life as independently as possible. I.E> labeling food helps me not to waste things so when the shopping arrives home and its labeled, I will correctly open a can of baked beans rather than a can of spaghetti hoops when making a casserole. If my pills aren’t labeled and there’s only one way to identify two lots of medication apart by labeling then I’ll have a sighted person help me label my medicine. Luckily for me, most of the manufacturers are helping this issue but if they didn’t my health is too important to warrant a risk. But in order to live as independently as possible those are minor sacrifices to make. Instructions for food should be read and noted down so you cook food properly. If you buy the same product often enough you’d remember it but say you wanted to try a new brand of something, its likely the cooking time may be different. No one wants food poisoning. And lastly, not all companies send things in accessible formats. True, with the advancement of technology, we can receive a lot of things via email and over the internet which has proven vital for most visually impaired people but just say a doctor’s letter came and it won’t scan or read properly, wouldn’t you want a sighted individual to just read over it for you. scanners and reader software have advanced greatly but not everyone has those pieces of equipment to do so but those small things just help someone to live independently.

Some parents however, seem to have the misguided notion that they will be around for their “poor disabled” child forever. I have news for you, you probably won’t. Giving them everything is not going to benefit them in society. Locking them up with other visually impaired kids with teachers who pamper their disabilities will only hinder their growth as a human being. “protecting” them as you believe you are doing from society will only make it worse when the day comes when they are forced into society’s cruel realm. And if your child is lucky enough to go to a school where being independent is a compulsory factor is great until they get home and you do everything for them. Your guilt cannot hinder your child’s progress.

Give them the tools to live within society and function effectively because the world is a hard enough place regardless of disability. If you don’t prepare them then what chance do they stand? Some would say mothers like mine were cruel and hard for allowing us to walk into doors, burning ourselves on a hot stove while cooking but she was kinder in the long term. I’m able to live independently and travel with confidence with my four legged friend because she gave me the tools to do so.

And there are some wonderful individuals that despite having overbearing parents still manage to be independent through their own spirit and belief in themselves, congratulations. You did it. And to those who enjoy being catered to, you’re a disgrace to the rest of us who constantly fight against this stereotype. And to those parents of disabled kids who believe your child needs you, yes they do, to show them how to be a human being.

Marley and Me: a review

Marie's  book recommendations, reviews, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists

Sensorship In Music?

Censorship in Music

How many of us have listened to an “Uncut” rap song? Probably most of us under the age of 30. Nowadays, rap has made it into the mainstream and consequently into more homes than ever before. From the first rap single by the Sugar Hill Gang, to the gangster rap of NWA, and the more recently pop charting sound of Eminem, isn’t it inevitable that the “uncut” versions are going to make it into our homes, one way or another.

If you hear a song and it attracts you, do you not want to hear the original version? The way the artist intended it to be heard. Isn’t it taking away the artist’s integrity by making them change so called offensive curse woods. Who are they offensive too? Middle class people who pretend the world is perfect and inoffensive? Yes, the average working class person relates to the scenarios played out in these graphical descriptive lyrics and can often relate to them. And if not, they can see where the artist is coming from. Artists don’t always play out their own lives in their lyrics but often explore the political topics otherwise left undiscussed. Is that not even more irresponsible? Should we shelter the younger generations from the evil the world holds. Because lets face it, this world is far from the perfections of the love songs sang by the mainstream pop artists. Isn’t the shock factor a handy tool then into days society and doesn’t it prepare our children for the harsh world in which they live?
The so called volatile lyrics have created so much arguments that people don’t often know where to side. Certain politicians and group leaders have blamed artists like eminem for the notorious columbine shooting where 2 teenage boys went into their high school and shot several students and teachers dead. The argument is, would they have done that if they hadn’t listened to graphical detailed violent lyrics by artists like Eminem or Marylyn Manson? Obviously, we can’t say one way or another. But my argument stands, that heinous crimes have been around longer than the invention of electricity. Are you telling me that Jack the Ripper was listening to a gangster rap CD just before he went out and raped countless women and murdered them in unspeakable ways. No, of course not because he didn’t have a CD player. He3 didn’t have electricity, more than likely. Even going back as far as Jesus’ days. The Romans weren’t sitting around listening to NWA talk about killing everyone outside their concert were they? Violence has been around longer than hip-hop and just because hip-hop artists talk about the heinous things that go on in our world, that doesn’t make them responsible.

Today’s society is looking for blame. Personally, I blame the upbringing. 9 times out of 10, the way children are raised influences their behaviour for life. These “do gooders” talk about how all these kids have gone bad and are imitating rappers lyrics but what about all the kids who don’t do bad things. I personally have listened to hip-hop since I was about seven years old and I have never shot anyone, or beaten someone for no reason, assaulted a police officer, nothing like that. My parents taught me right from wrong from the jump, and it didn’t matter what music I listened too, I still knew what was right and wrong. Morality should be instilled before a child starts exploring the type of music or movies they like. How many criminals listen to hip-hop? Has anyone actually gone out and done a study on this? Rock is placed by blame also. So, all good people listen to pop and watch PG movies, while all bad people listen to hip-hop;/rock and watch action movies. I will not accept that listening to graphical music which explores a society we realistically live in, has any correlation to crime and heinous crimes at that.

Eminem points out that he often is exploring situations he has never been in. Haven’t authors been doing this for years? And playwrights also. I’m sure Alfred Hitchcock didn’t do any of the things his character did in clockwork Orange, or that Stephen King had ever been on Death Row. So, why is it that authors and playwrights can get away with this and yet the hip-hop world is scrutinised for discussing these political issues. They are doing the same thing, aren’t they?

So should we censor music? Until the late 80s, the British broadcasting corporation censored its movies, it has been done. But then, we are sugar coating everything. Telling the audience, that don’t worry, this type of thing doesn’t really happen. But it does. Wasn’t it said that the best for of be armed is to be forearmed. I strongly disagree with censorship. I think in an ten year old child wants to listen to a rapper then they should be allowed too with the parents guidance. Parents’ presence is a valuable part of growing up. My parents listened to the music I did, and they might not always like it, but they knew what I was listening too. Isn’t that better than letting your kids go out and listen to music you have no idea about. It’s the notion, that as long as they are guided, then morality is instilled. And the artist is allowed to be free to explore any topics. In a way, its like they teaching. Teaching the lesson of life.

[this article was written in 2003 for a class in school]

A Doggie’s 10 Commandments

I didn’t write this but I think it is so cute and ultimately true!
[I just received a note from the original author and of course, I did not know who had written this touching sentiment as I copied it from a friend, who again did not credit the author or the original content on her facebook a few years ago. So I will leave the modified one at the end of this but I, as requested, will post the original and thanks to Stan for bringing this to my attention. The original is, as it usually is much better]



Stan Rawlinson

• My life is likely to last 10-15 years, any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy me.

• Give me time to understand what you want from me, don’t be impatient, short-tempered, or irritable.

• Place your trust in me and I will always trust you back. Respect is earned not given as an inalieable right.

• Don’t be angry with me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment, I am not capable of understanding why? I only know I have been rejected, you have your work entertainment and friends I only have you. 

• Talk to me sometimes, even if I don’t understand your words I understand your voice and your tone, “you only have to look at my tail”. 

• Be aware that however you treat me I’ll never forget it, and if it’s cruel it may affect me forever.

• Please don’t hit me I can’t hit back, but I can bite and scratch and I really don’t ever want to do that. 

• Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right foods or I’ve been out in the sun too long, or my heart is getting old and weak, I may be just dog tired.

• Take care of me when I get old. You too will grow old and may also need love, care, comfort, and attention.

• Go with me on difficult journeys, never say, “I can’t bear to watch” or “Let it happen in my absence”. Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember, irrespective of what you do I will always love you.

[taken from

The modified version

A doggie’s 10 COMMANDMENTS………
1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years.  Any separation from you is likely to be painful.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
3. Place your trust in me.  It is crucial for my well-being.
4. Don’t be angry with me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment.  You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.
5. Talk to me.  Even if I don’t understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me
. 6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.
8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me.  Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.
9. Please take care of me when I grow old.  You too, will grow old.
10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please.  Never say you can’t bear to watch.  Don’t make me face this alone.  Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.

Snow, so No Go?

Snow So It’s a No Go!

It seems that since this cold snap everyone suddenly cannot function. People are panic buying at the supermarkets and abandoning cars or sleeping in them all night long due to the weather. Gritters are prioritizing what roads to grit and the elderly and disabled are isolated by the weather but is it us as a nation unable to cope or are we just human?

Since a few weeks before Christmas, Britain’s been hit with several winter storms, funny that huh? Us being in Winter and getting “winter storms?” How dare the weather systems interrupt our lives with a winter storm in the middle of winter!

Schools have been closed, businesses losing money all because of the fun white stuff. the local authorities were prepared for this cold snap and have done what they could to grit the roads but is our nature of a nation who loves to complain making a mountain out of a mole hill?

I accept the following to be true:
• Snow is possible during winter.
• The gritters cannot get down all side streets and the local authority has to decide which streets should be prioritized.
• Deliveries may not get to all supermarkets because of the weather.
• Schools can only be open all day if there is almost certainty that the children will be able to get home. [those parents who are complaining about their kids being at home, A: why did you have them? B: You’d be bitching if the school kept them all day and the little darlings couldn’t get home because the roads were too bad]
• Not everyone will be able to get to work but if you live on a main road and the route to your job is along a main route and you don’t go because of the snow then you’re a lazy git.
• It’s harder for elderly people and those with physical disabilities to get out so neighbors and family members this is your chance to do a good deed.
• Transport will be effected.

And those of you who cannot accept these facts then what planet are you bloody living on? We are in the middle of winter, snow can fall in this part of the world, its something you have to accept. Don’t like it, fuck off somewhere else. And panic buying is purely selfish. If you need six loaves of bread for you and your husband then you are a bunch of fat pigs. Take three at the most and allow others to eat during the winter. Yes, deliveries are finding it hard to get through but they will eventually.

Look at the weather and plan in advance. Don’t wear stupid shoes in this weather, because when you fall on your ass, I’ll just laugh. Good walking boots or even wellies, no matter how unfashionable they may be are essential.

and yes, transport will be effected. And those of you idiots who complain because the bus or the trains are either not running or delayed, shut your mouth and think for a few seconds, if that bus or train was on time but then it had an accident with your ignorant ass on it, would you be happy it was on time and didn’t take care on the roads then or risked a journey in fear of upsetting your routine?

You may not be able to get to work. Try but don’t endanger your life or others by doing so. For God’s sake, if you’re snowed in, you can’t possibly spend too much money, a day’s cut in your wages will not kill you but a car accident may do.

Have fun! Yes, fun! Go outside and play with your kids. build snowmen, throw snow balls, go sledging and take the dog for a good run with you while you do that. Quit complaining your kids schools are closed and go and have fun with them. Quality time might do you and them some good. Too many families don’t know how to do that any more. Quit sticking your kids in front of the TV and show them how beautiful nature can be!

Over all, stop complaining. The snow came, keep warm, have fun and live your life to the best of your abilities. Nothing’s worth risking your life or health for. Accept the facts and look for other solutions, it’s all you can do. Winter’s here and if any one of you dares complain when we’re back to mild winters next year then you’re a bloody pain in the ass.

One last thought; Remember that feeling when you got a snow day while you were in school? Remember that feeling and go with it. ☺

Watery Imagination

Relaxing in a tub,
Can just do the trick,
Lolling in the nice hot water,
Can also make you think.

Take you to a place,
Far away from home,
Help you make believe,
You’re in a blue lagoon,
Swimming with the fish,
And floating happily along,
Feeling the sun’s hot beams all around,
And as though nothing is wrong.

As the wind swirls around your house,
Beating the roof tops with snow,
You can just sit in your bath,
And go wherever you want to go.

Lying on an Island,
Chilling in the sun,
Jumping around in the foaming waves,
Just having lots of fun!
Bouncing a ball on the sidewalk,
In a hot LA street,
sipping down jamba juice,
Or eating something sweet.

Dancing in a nightclub
As you swirl the bubbles inside,
Your head allows you to believe there’s foam,
Lights, dancers and all kinds
Of things that make a night special,
A walk along on the sand,
Being with friends and laughing,
Or being with a special someone holding their hand.

Far away in a warm dark cave,
Exploring the world that be,
You may find yourself in a pyramid,
And you’re surprised of what you see.

But when the bubbles surround you,
And a hard day of work has been done,
anything can be imagine inside of your mind,
As long as you’re the only one.