Snow So It’s a No Go!

It seems that since this cold snap everyone suddenly cannot function. People are panic buying at the supermarkets and abandoning cars or sleeping in them all night long due to the weather. Gritters are prioritizing what roads to grit and the elderly and disabled are isolated by the weather but is it us as a nation unable to cope or are we just human?

Since a few weeks before Christmas, Britain’s been hit with several winter storms, funny that huh? Us being in Winter and getting “winter storms?” How dare the weather systems interrupt our lives with a winter storm in the middle of winter!

Schools have been closed, businesses losing money all because of the fun white stuff. the local authorities were prepared for this cold snap and have done what they could to grit the roads but is our nature of a nation who loves to complain making a mountain out of a mole hill?

I accept the following to be true:
• Snow is possible during winter.
• The gritters cannot get down all side streets and the local authority has to decide which streets should be prioritized.
• Deliveries may not get to all supermarkets because of the weather.
• Schools can only be open all day if there is almost certainty that the children will be able to get home. [those parents who are complaining about their kids being at home, A: why did you have them? B: You’d be bitching if the school kept them all day and the little darlings couldn’t get home because the roads were too bad]
• Not everyone will be able to get to work but if you live on a main road and the route to your job is along a main route and you don’t go because of the snow then you’re a lazy git.
• It’s harder for elderly people and those with physical disabilities to get out so neighbors and family members this is your chance to do a good deed.
• Transport will be effected.

And those of you who cannot accept these facts then what planet are you bloody living on? We are in the middle of winter, snow can fall in this part of the world, its something you have to accept. Don’t like it, fuck off somewhere else. And panic buying is purely selfish. If you need six loaves of bread for you and your husband then you are a bunch of fat pigs. Take three at the most and allow others to eat during the winter. Yes, deliveries are finding it hard to get through but they will eventually.

Look at the weather and plan in advance. Don’t wear stupid shoes in this weather, because when you fall on your ass, I’ll just laugh. Good walking boots or even wellies, no matter how unfashionable they may be are essential.

and yes, transport will be effected. And those of you idiots who complain because the bus or the trains are either not running or delayed, shut your mouth and think for a few seconds, if that bus or train was on time but then it had an accident with your ignorant ass on it, would you be happy it was on time and didn’t take care on the roads then or risked a journey in fear of upsetting your routine?

You may not be able to get to work. Try but don’t endanger your life or others by doing so. For God’s sake, if you’re snowed in, you can’t possibly spend too much money, a day’s cut in your wages will not kill you but a car accident may do.

Have fun! Yes, fun! Go outside and play with your kids. build snowmen, throw snow balls, go sledging and take the dog for a good run with you while you do that. Quit complaining your kids schools are closed and go and have fun with them. Quality time might do you and them some good. Too many families don’t know how to do that any more. Quit sticking your kids in front of the TV and show them how beautiful nature can be!

Over all, stop complaining. The snow came, keep warm, have fun and live your life to the best of your abilities. Nothing’s worth risking your life or health for. Accept the facts and look for other solutions, it’s all you can do. Winter’s here and if any one of you dares complain when we’re back to mild winters next year then you’re a bloody pain in the ass.

One last thought; Remember that feeling when you got a snow day while you were in school? Remember that feeling and go with it. ☺